Ernesto Humpierres

Head of Customer Success Strategy and Operations (STROPS) at Atlassian

Functional Area

  • Customer Success
  • Leadership
  • Sales


  • Customer Success

Detailed info

I’m from Venezuela, but have been living in the US for 13 years now, first in Boston and now in Austin. I love both cities. My professional career has been “meandering”: moving between strategy consulting, a start-up phase, and continuing into my current “Corporate” incarnation. I have an academic background in electrical engineering and business administration. And what you can correctly deduce from this is that I am both very adaptable, and a lover of learning. My experiences and readings have led me to operate with a set of work and life principles. For these, I am particularly indebted to Ray Dalio’s Principles, Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Barbara Minto’s Pyramid Principle, Jim Collins’ From Good to Great, Asimov’s Foundation series, all the works from Deepak Malhotra, my professors at HBS and Universidad Simon Bolivar, and many wise colleagues and mentors throughout my career.